What is a Purchase Price Allocation? This type of valuation is used for financial reporting purposes and typically allocates the purchase price from a transaction across three main asset categories: net working capital, tangible assets, and intangible assets.


Decoding The Three R’s: Recycle, Redeem, Releverage

Learn about each of the three repurchase methods and how they work. How does each strategy impact employee benefits, shareholder returns, and repurchase obligation?

Webinar air date: 8/27/19 

Ryan Graham

Ryan Graham

“My career has been devoted to helping ESOP-owned companies sustain their businesses and manage through their unique challenges. It has been an absolute pleasure working with companies across all industries and tailoring custom solutions to help them meet their goals.”

Meet Ryan

Ashleigh Newlin

Ashleigh Newlin

“I enjoy working with companies to articulate their unique compensation philosophies and using my background in financial analysis and optimization to help companies get the most out of their executive incentive programs.”

Meet Ashleigh

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